Favorite Uses for Unrefined Coconut Oil

Some of you reading may think back to “Of Life and Lipgloss” and remember a similar post I wrote regarding coconut oil.

Since then, I have found many new uses for coconut oil, and I feel that it is an economical, multi-use miracle product that anyone will want to use.

You can find it online at Amazon, Target, pharmacies, and most grocery stores.

So, let’s not delay, and get right to all the amazing ways you can use this product!

1. Cooking. Obvious, I know, but sauteed with green beans, or added to rice for stirfry, it adds depth and complexity to a number of dishes.
2. Oil Pulling. This one always gets a confused look, but essentially, oil Spectrum-Unrefined-Coconut-Oilpulling is the process of swishing oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes daily for health of your mouth. When the mouth is healthy, the body is healthier, too. A lot of health problems can stem from overgrowth of bacteria in our mouths (ew!).
3. Sunburn Relief. I found this one out by accident when my fiance and I were at the beach, and I didn’t have aloe, but I had coconut oil. The oil reduces inflammation and lessens the pain associated with sunburn. (But don’t be like Michael, wear your SPF!)
4. Body Moisturizer. It’s a bit greasier than traditional moisturizers, but is so good for the skin! Other downside, your dog might try to lick all of it off of your legs, and you’ll need to reapply.
5. Lip Balm. Transfer to a smaller sample container, and voila, a healthy, nourishing lip balm that’s okay to eat!
6. Hair Mask. Much like coconut oil being great for your body, it also does wonders on your hair. Leave on as long or as little as you like, but be sure to wash a couple times!
7. Natural Highlighter. I recently used coconut oil instead of traditional highlighter to “strobe” my model’s face. It had a very dewy, healthy look, and can be reapplied as often as needed.
8. Makeup Remover. Almost forgot about this one. Instead of using makeup remover on my clients as most seem to irritate the skin, I keep a small jar of the oil in my kit, and it takes off even the most stubborn of products. Safe for the eyes, too!
9. Body scrub. Combined with brewed coffee grounds, brown sugar, or table sugar, it creates a moisturizing, all natural scrub that will leave your skin feeling so beautiful! (I do this one a couple times a week!)
10. Personal Lubricant. Totally serious here. Why use toxic lubes when you can switch to something healthier that both you and your partner can enjoy?
11. In Coffee. I’ve tried recently using a tablespoon in coffee to give it a unique flavor boost and to soften any bitterness. It’s mighty delicious.
12. Under Eye Cream. Much like it works to reduce inflammation on the skin with sunburns, it also can help with puffy eyes. Toss out your fancy eye cream, and use a small amount of coconut oil. You’ll definitely see a difference.
13. Facial Moisturizer. I’ve debated listing this one, because I’ve had a number of people talk about how coconut oil is comedogenic tending to cause blackheads and clogging of the skin, but I disagree. Upon switching to safer cosmetics, I use a face oil daily, and I find that my skin has cleared up and softened significantly. My other argument for this product occurs when you switch your skincare to something as pure as coconut oil, your skin has to purge. Generally, if people see breakouts within a few days of using a product they will quit using it and go back to their old products without allowing time for their skin to fully purify before eventually clearing up. Obviously, if the issues continue, you should quit using it. I say, try it on your own terms, and decide for yourself.

All in all these are my best kept uses for coconut oil. Have any other fun ones you’d like to share, or things you agree with? Comment below!

Makeup Artist

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